William White of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Australia said that the new species name was adalahSqualus formosus. Species that are found to have a 1 meter long and short nose sepertidogfish. In addition to these species, White also found another species of the genus Squalus.
Different types of Squalus formosus other because the characteristics of upright fins at the back, strong bones, as well as short and rounded head. The discovery of this species is the result of research to collect fish at the fish market on purpose. "We collected some material and see if there is a difference with a shark that was captured from the previous decade," said White.
According to White, this shark species caught by fishermen as a result of by catch (catch side) of the fishery. At the fish market, not many people recognize the difference characteristics of this new species of shark with another shark. Problem, think, can not be known because researchers have not tasted it.
"The species of the same group in Indonesia is dried and salted for human consumption, while the fins are used for soup raw materials. However, this does not directly reflect what is happening in Taiwan," Said White.
White said, when it is known that a new shark species is only found in Taiwan and Japan. The possibility to be found in other areas is very small because the genus Squalus generally have a narrow spread.
White adds, knowing the distribution range of species is very important so that the "health" of populations of a species can be known. In sharks, the monitoring needs to be done because it is one of the most hunted and potentially by a high catch.
The discovery of this species published in the Journal of Fish Biology. Sharks are a species with a relatively low reproductive rate so it will be very vulnerable because of overfishing. "So, personally I prefer not to eat it," he said.
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