Live For Now And Tomorrow

Jun 18, 2011

The truth and normal

When you love someone 
you feel like you always want to get close to them
It's normal..
When you like someone 
your heart beating fast..
It's normal..
When you love someone 
you'll do anything just to make them happy
It's normal...
When you like someone
and you want to have a dream with them
It's normal...
When you're be with someone
and you seek for information just to know them more
Its normal...
When you told em what you feel
just so they can understand your feelings 
It's normal...

When you hate someone
You want curse em..
You want kill em..
You want scream at them..
You want them to say sorry sincerely..
It's normal..

That's what I asked to all my friend
and they keep saying..
You are normal...

Wont be normal
When you said that u love em
But then you hurt them
When you said you'll never cheat
but then you did it..
When you feel ok when you're happy
But other's feel hurt...
When you're trying to make them feel sad
So they will leave you soon, so you they wont see that it's your fault 
You made a dream but you spit on it..
You say a words but then u ate it again... 
That can't be normal..
That just means.. 
You never love them just like what you used to say..
You just want to make an excuse
You just don't want other's to see that you are guilty
You just care about ur reputation

And still
I'm learning how to forgive this situation

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